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New York Bagels

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5 99 lei

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Cele mai populare

! Recomandare - Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel

Bagel, bacon, ouă, brânză 300 g

35 00 
! Recomandare - Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel image
! Recomandare - Smoked salmon and scrambled egg

Bagel, smoked salmon, scrambled egg , cream cheese 350g

36 00 
! Recomandare - Smoked salmon and scrambled egg image
! Recomandare - Bacon, egg, cheese, and jalapeño

Brânză cheddar, egg, bacon, jalapeño 300 g

36 00 
! Recomandare - Bacon, egg, cheese, and jalapeño image
Smoked salmon

Cream cheese, somon, capere, ceapă 300 g

35 00 
Smoked salmon  image


! Recomandare - Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel

Bagel, bacon, ouă, brânză 300 g

35 00 
! Recomandare - Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel image
! Recomnadare - Tuna Salad Bagel

Ton, telina, maioneza, salata  300g

35 00 
! Recomnadare - Tuna Salad Bagel image
! Recomandare - Smoked Salmon Avocado Bagel

Creem cheese, smoked salmon, avocado 300g

36 00 
! Recomandare - Smoked Salmon Avocado Bagel image
! Recomandare - Smoked salmon and scrambled egg

Bagel, smoked salmon, scrambled egg , cream cheese 350g

36 00 
! Recomandare - Smoked salmon and scrambled egg image
Avocado and Cream Cheese

Creame cheese, avocado, rucola 280g

34 00 
Avocado and Cream Cheese image
BLT Bagel

Bagel, bacon, roșii, maioneză 260 g

34 00 
BLT Bagel image
Cream Cheese and Bacon

Cream cheese, bacon, rucola 280g

35 00 
Cream Cheese and Bacon image
Egg Salad Bagel

Bagel, ouă, maioneză, salată 250 g

33 00 
Egg Salad Bagel image
Hummus avocado bagel

Hummus, avocado, rosii, salata - 280gr

34 00 
Hummus avocado bagel image
Hummus Bagel

Bagel, hummus, ardei, rucola 230 g

33 00 
Hummus Bagel image
Jalapeno Bagel

Cream cheese, bacon, jalapeno 280g

34 00 
Jalapeno Bagel image
Prosciutto Bagel

Bagel, cremă de brânză, prosciutto, salată, roșii 250 g

33 00 
Prosciutto Bagel image
! Recomandare - Bacon, egg, cheese, and jalapeño

Brânză cheddar, egg, bacon, jalapeño 300 g

36 00 
! Recomandare - Bacon, egg, cheese, and jalapeño image
Avocado and scrambled egg bagel

crema branza , avocado, ou , rucola, 300g

35 00 
Avocado and scrambled egg bagel image
Egg Salad & Bacon

Salata de ou, Maioneza, Bacon 300 g

34 00 
Egg Salad & Bacon image
Mozzarella Pesto

Pesto, Mozzarella, Salata, Rosii, 290Gr

33 00 
Mozzarella Pesto image
Prosciutto and scrambled egg bagel

crema branza , prosciutto, ou, 300g

35 00 
Prosciutto and scrambled egg bagel image
Smoked salmon

Cream cheese, somon, capere, ceapă 300 g

35 00 
Smoked salmon  image

Sweet Bagels

Peanut Butter and Jelly Bagel

Bagel, unt de arahide, gem 200 g

26 00 
Peanut Butter and Jelly Bagel image
Cream Cheese and Jelly Bagel

Bagel, cremă de brânză, gem 220 g

25 00 
Cream Cheese and Jelly Bagel image


Pepsi Max


12 00  Garanție returnare 0 50 lei
Pepsi Max image
Apă minerală Aqua carpatica


10 00  Garanție returnare 0 50 lei
Apă minerală  Aqua carpatica image
Mellow de portocale


20 00 
Mellow de portocale image
Fritz Cola


20 00 
Fritz Cola image


12 00  Garanție returnare 0 50 lei
Pepsi image
Mellow Apple


20 00 
Mellow Apple image