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Compune Tacosul Imparte cu prietenii Our Tacos Limited Pepper Sauce Edition Bowls Cartofi prăjiți extra Combo Menu Sosuri Bauturi
Tacos Factory cover image
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Tacos Factory

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5 99 lei

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Deschide la 12:00
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Compune Tacosul

Tacos M

+/- 300G 1 Lipie , 1 portie de Carne la alegere , 2 sosuri la alegere , cartofi prajiti si sos de branza inclusi in interior-ul Tacos-ului

39 13  55 90 
Tacos M image
Tacos L

+/-400G 1 Lipie , 2 portii de Carne la alegere , 2 sosuri la alegere , cartofi prajiti si sos de branza inclusi in interior-ul Tacos-ului

45 43  64 90 
Tacos L image
Tacos XL

+/- 600g 2 Lipii , 3 portii de Carne la alegere , 2 sosuri la alegere , cartofi prajiti si sos de branza inclusi in interior-ul Tacos-ului

55 93  79 90 
Tacos XL image

Imparte cu prietenii

For 4 Gratinat

1 Tacos Malibu Gratinat cheddar + 1 Tacos Bucharest gratinat cheddar + 1 Tacos Istanbul gratinat cheddar + 1 Tacos Amsterdam gratinat cheddar + 1 portie de cartofi prajiti proaspeti cu sos de branza delicios +1 portie de cartofi prajiti proaspeti cu sos de branza delicios si Bacon + 2 cola + 2 ape plate

238 00  340 00 
For 4 Gratinat image
For 4

1 Tacos Malibu + 1 Tacos Bucharest + 1 Tacos Istanbul + 1 Tacos Amsterdam+ 1 portie de cartofi prajiti proaspeti cu sos de branza delicios +1 portie de cartofi prajiti proaspeti cu sos de branza delicios si Bacon + 2 cola + 2 apa plata

210 00  300 00 
For 4 image
In 2 gratinat

1 Tacos Malibu ( Gratin Cheddar) + 1 Tacos Bucharest ( Gratin cheddar) + 1 french fries with home made cheese sauce + 2 coca-cola

119 00  170 00 
In 2 gratinat image
In 2

1 Tacos Malibu + 1 Tacos Bucharest + 1 French Fries with home made cheese sauce + 2 coca-cola

105 00  150 00 
In 2 image

Our Tacos

XL Chicken & Beef Peppersauce

Beef & chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside

70 00  100 00 
XL Chicken & Beef Peppersauce image
Gratin Peppersauce Chicken Tacos

Noul nostru sos limitat de piper in combinatie cu piept de pui facut pe grill , cartofi prajiti proaspeti , sos de branza delicios, cheddar topic in interior si gratin de cheddar pe exterior

55 30  79 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Chicken Tacos image
Pepper sauce Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside

51 10  73 00 
Pepper sauce Beef Tacos image
Gratin Peppersauce Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. Gratin with cheddar on the outside.

58 80  84 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Beef Tacos image
Pepper sauce Crispy Chicken Tacos

Crispy strips chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. ( 400g)

51 80  74 00 
Pepper sauce Crispy Chicken Tacos image
Pepper sauce Chicken Tacos

A chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. 400g

47 60  68 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Crispy Chicken Tacos

Crispy strips chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. Gratin cheddar on the outside (450g)

59 50  85 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Crispy Chicken Tacos image

Minced Beef , BBQ, Cooked onion,Crunchy Onion + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 500g)

42 00  60 00 
Amsterdam image

Falafel, Ketchup, Garlice Sauce, Mozzarella, Salad + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 500g)

43 40  62 00 
Istanbul image

Minced Beef , Samourai, Andalousel, Jalapenos, Double Cheddar, + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 550g)

47 60  68 00 
Barcelona image

Cordon Bleu, Crispy Chicken, Andalouse , Garlic sauce,Cheddar , Mozzarella, Crunchy Onion+ Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 650g)

53 20  76 00 
Bucharest image

Minced Beef,Falafel, Ketchup, Brazil, Cheddar + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 600g)

50 40  72 00 
Lyon image

Minced Beef , Ketchup, Garlice sauce ,Salad , Onions+ Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 500g)

44 80  64 00 
Malibu image

Falafel,Cordon Bleu, Samourai, Brazil, Melted cheese, Onion + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 600g)

49 00  70 00 
Lisbon image

Chicken on the grill,Falafel, Ketchup,Mayo, Salad and Onions + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 600g)

49 70  71 00 
Napoli image

Crispy Chicken,Chicken breast on the grill, Andalouse and Brazil Sauces, Bacon, + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 650g)

53 20  76 00 
Rio image

Minced Beef ,Crispy Chicken , Samourai , Garlic Sauce, Salad, Cabbage + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 650g)

52 50  75 00 
Roma image

Minced Beef, Chicken Breast on the grill,BBQ, Garlic Sauce, Mozzarella + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 650g)

52 50  75 00 
London image

Crispy Chicken, Cordon Bleu, Algerienne and Andalouse sauces, Cheddar, + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 650g)

51 80  74 00 
Munich image

Crispy Chicken Strips,Cordon Bleu, Falafel, Mayo and Garlic Sauces,Gorgonzola, Salad , Cabbage + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 850g)

66 50  95 00 
Montreal image

Cordon Bleu X2, Crispy Chicken Strips, Algerienne and Garlic sauces, DoubleCheddar,Cabbage + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 850g)

63 00  90 00 
Atlanta image

Chicken Breast on the Grill,Cordon bleu, Falafel, Home made Tzatziki, Garlic Sauce, Mozzarella ,Crunchy Onion + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 850g)

61 60  88 00 
Zakynthos image

Chicken Breast on the grll,Cordon bleu,Falafel,Sauce andalouse and Brazil, Melted Cheese, Salad, Cabbage ,Onion Rings + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 900g)

66 50  95 00 
Chicago image

Crispy Chicken Strips X2,Chicken breast on the grill, Home made Tzatziki, Salad, Onion + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 800g)

95 00 
Athena image

Minced Beef,Chicken breast on the Grill,Chicken Crispy Samourai,Pilli-Pilli Sauce,Jalapenos , Sriracha + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 850g)

69 30  99 00 
Mexico image
New York

Crispy Chicken Strips X3,Sweet Chilli , Mayonnaise, Mozzarella, Mozzarella Sticks, Melted Cheese, Gorgonzola, Cheddar, + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 900g)

84 00  120 00 
New York image

Minced Beef,Chicken breast on the grill, Crispy Chicken, BBQ, Ketchup, Bacon, cooked Onion + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 850g)

70 00  100 00 
Dallas image

Carne tocata de vita X3 , Bbq, Brazil , Bacon , Cheddar , Ceapa Crunchy + Sos de branza & Cartofi prajiti in interior (+/- 850g)

73 50  105 00 
Texas image
Las Vegas

Minced Beef,Crispy Chicken, Cordon Bleu BBQ, Mayo, Mozzarella, Cabbage + Cheese Sauce & French Fries (+/- 800g)

Las Vegas image

Limited Pepper Sauce Edition

Gratin Peppersauce Chicken Tacos

Noul nostru sos limitat de piper in combinatie cu piept de pui facut pe grill , cartofi prajiti proaspeti , sos de branza delicios, cheddar topic in interior si gratin de cheddar pe exterior

55 30  79 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Chicken Tacos image
Pepper sauce Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside

51 10  73 00 
Pepper sauce Beef Tacos image
Gratin Peppersauce Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. Gratin with cheddar on the outside.

58 80  84 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Beef Tacos image
Pepper sauce Crispy Chicken Tacos

Crispy strips chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. ( 400g)

51 80  74 00 
Pepper sauce Crispy Chicken Tacos image
Pepper sauce Chicken Tacos

A chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. 400g

47 60  68 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Crispy Chicken Tacos

Crispy strips chicken Tacos with our limited peppersauce , fresh french fries , home made cheese sauce and melted cheddar inside. Gratin cheddar on the outside (450g)

59 50  85 00 
Gratin Peppersauce Crispy Chicken Tacos image


Crispy and beef peppersauce bowl

A mega bowl of more thea 600G, with peppersauce, crispy chicken strips & beef minced meat , on top of the fresh french fries covered with our delicious home-made cheese sauce. On top of that, add some crunchy onion on top of the melted DOUBLE CHEDDAR

58 80  84 00 
Crispy and beef peppersauce bowl image
Delicious Beef bowl

A mega bowl of more thea 600G , with Beef minced meat on top of the fresh french fries covered with our delicious home-made cheese sauce. On top of that, add some crunchy onion on top of the melted DOUBLE CHEDDAR. + 1 sauce extra

45 50  65 00 
Delicious Beef bowl image

A mega bowl of more thea 600G , with 5 Chicken strips on top of the fresh french fries covered with our delicious home-made cheese sauce. On top of that, add some crunchy onion on top of the melted DOUBLE CHEDDAR. + 1 sauce extra

41 93  59 90 
Nice Veggie bowl

A mega bowl of more thea 600G , with 5 Falafel balls on top of the fresh french fries covered with our delicious home-made cheese sauce. On top of that, add some crunchy onion on top of the melted DOUBLE CHEDDAR. + 1 sauce extra

31 43  44 90 
Nice Veggie bowl image

Cartofi prăjiți extra

Cartofi + sos brânză + bacon + jalapenos

300 g

21 00  30 00 
Cartofi + sos brânză + bacon + jalapenos image
Cartofi prăjiți cu un sos

250 g

11 90  17 00 
Cartofi prăjiți cu un sos image
Cartofi + sos brânză

250 g

16 10  23 00 
Cartofi + sos brânză  image
Cartofi + sos brânză & bacon

275 g

18 90  27 00 
Cartofi + sos brânză & bacon image
Cartofi + Sos brânză + jalapeno

275 g

17 50  25 00 
Cartofi + Sos brânză + jalapeno image
Potatoes + Cheese sauce + Crunchy Onion

16 10  23 00 
Potatoes + Cheese sauce + Crunchy Onion image

Combo Menu

Combo Mozzarella Sticks

5 Mozzarella Sticks, Cartofi prajiti , 2 sosuri

42 00  60 00 
Combo Mozzarella Sticks image
Combo Crispy

5 crispy chicken strips , Cartofi prajiti , 2 sosuri

35 00  50 00 
Combo Crispy image
Combo 10 Onion Rings

10 onion rings , cartofi prajiti , 2 sosuri

31 50  45 00 
Combo 10 Onion Rings image



4 20  6 00 
Algerienne image
Home Made Tzatziki

5 60  8 00 
Home Made Tzatziki image

4 20  6 00 
Pili-Pili image

4 20  6 00 
Andalouse image

4 20  6 00 
BBQ image

4 20  6 00 
Brazil image
Ketchup dulce

4 20  6 00 
Ketchup dulce image

4 20  6 00 
Maioneza image
Sweet chilli

4 20  6 00 
Sweet chilli image

4 20  6 00 
Samourai image

4 20  6 00 
Usturoi image

American image


Apă plată

500 ml

7 00  10 00 

500 ml

10 50  15 00 
Fanta portocale

500 ml

10 50  15 00 
Schweppes mandarin

500 ml

10 50  15 00 
Fuzetea peach

500 ml

10 50  15 00 
Fuzetea lamaie

500 ml

10 50  15 00 

500 ml

10 50  15 00 
Apă minerală

500 ml

Schwepper bitter lemon

500 ml
