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Matinal Bistro

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5 99 lei

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Deschide la 12:00
Activează gratuit 3 luni de livrare cu cost 0
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Toast traditional

Paine Toast,sunca presata,ceapa rosie,Cascaval

27,00  54,00 
Toast traditional image
Panino Supremo

Ceafa de porc Afumata, cascaval, salata verde, ceapa verde

32,00  64,00 
Panino Supremo image
Panino Royale

Rucola, Prosciutto crudo, Rosii Cherry, Mozzarela,

30,00  60,00 
Panino Royale image
Toast savuros

Paine toast,Bacon Prajit, Cascaval, Ceapa Rosie,

31,00  62,00 
Toast savuros image
Omleta simpla


22,00  44,00 
Omleta simpla image
Panino Gourmet

Mix salate, Rosii Confiate, ceafa afumata si legume la gratar

34,00  68,00 
Panino Gourmet image
Toast rustic

Paine Toast Prosciutto crudo , Mozzarela, pesto

31,00  62,00 
Toast rustic image
Omleta cu sunca si ciuperci

oua,sunca presata,ciuperci,sare,piper

24,00  48,00 
Omleta cu sunca si ciuperci image
omleta cu bacon si cascaval


24,00  48,00 
omleta cu bacon si cascaval image
omleta cu mozzarela si bacon


24,00  48,00 
omleta cu mozzarela si bacon image
Morning Cravings

Oua ochiuri cu bacon prajit si cartofi cu branza

22,00  44,00 
Morning Cravings image
Caprese Delight

Oua Ochiuri Mozzarela Capresse si Prosciuto crudo

23,00  46,00 
Caprese Delight image
Rustic Feast

Oua Ochiuri Cascaval Pane si ceafa de porc afumata

29,00  58,00 
Rustic Feast image
Mozzastick Brunch

oua ochiuri ,mozzarella sticks ,sunca presata

27,00  54,00 
Mozzastick Brunch image

Sweet Products

Oreo American Pancakes

40,00  80,00 
Oreo American Pancakes image
Strawberry Nutella American Pancakes

39,00  78,00 
Strawberry Nutella American Pancakes image
Nutella Banana American pancakes

39,00  78,00 
Nutella Banana American pancakes image
Nutella and nuts American Pancakes

37,00  74,00 
Nutella and nuts American Pancakes image
Maple syrup and nuts American Pancakes

37,00  74,00 
Maple syrup and nuts American Pancakes image
Nuts and honey American Pancakes

37,00  74,00 
Nuts and honey American Pancakes image
Cheesecake with chocolate

20,00  40,00 
Cheesecake with  chocolate image
cheesecake with blueberry jam

20,00  40,00 
cheesecake with  blueberry jam image
Cheesecake sour cherry jam

20,00  40,00 
Cheesecake sour cherry jam image
apple tart with caramel topping

20,00  40,00 
apple tart with caramel topping image
tiramisu with whipped cream

22,00  44,00 
tiramisu with whipped cream image
papanasi with nutella

24,00  48,00 
papanasi with nutella image
Papanasi with blueberry jam

20,00  40,00 
Papanasi with blueberry jam image
Papanasi with sour cherry jam

20,00  40,00 
Papanasi with sour cherry jam image
rice with milk and cinnamon

24,00  48,00 
rice with milk and cinnamon image
Pancakes with nutella

22,00  44,00 
Pancakes with nutella image
Pancakes with blueberry jam

22,00  44,00 
Pancakes with blueberry jam image
Pancakes with sour cherry jam

22,00  44,00 
Pancakes with sour cherry jam image

Something to drink

Milkshake with kiwi and bananas

20,00  40,00 
Milkshake with kiwi  and bananas image
Milkshake with strawberries and bananas

20,00  40,00 
Milkshake with strawberries and bananas image
Milkshake with chocolate and bananas

18,00  36,00 
Milkshake with chocolate and bananas image
Milkshake with bananas and salted caramel

18,00  36,00 
Milkshake with bananas and salted caramel image
Milkshake with bananas and forest fruits

18,00  36,00 
Milkshake with bananas and forest fruits image
Coca Cola

10,00  20,00 
Coca Cola image
Coca cola 0

10,00  20,00 
Coca cola 0 image

10,00  20,00 
Sprite image
Fanta de portocale

10,00  20,00 
Fanta de portocale image
Fanta madness

10,00  20,00 
Fanta madness image
Apa plata

10,00  20,00 
Apa plata image
Apa minerala

10,00  20,00 
Apa minerala image

10,00  20,00 
Ursus image

10,00  20,00 